Friday, May 18, 2012

Climate Riders Assemble! -- by Jamie

We made it!

We rode a train into Manhattan. We hauled all our gear uptown on the subway. We dropped it all off at the hotel. We took some time to ourselves to visit the museum of modern art. Then we found out our hotel was overbooked, so they sent us to a different hotel. Then we took most of our gear back downtown to the Climate Ride gathering point. But traffic conspired to delay the event team, and they weren't ready for us. Plus our bike delivery was also delayed. So we hauled our gear to a nearby Japanese restaurant. Then back to the meeting point and...


We're registered. Our bikes are here. We met new folks. The only way home now is to pedal our bikes. Tomorrow we ride!

Tonight we sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you must be tired. Get some sleep, for tomorrow you ride!
    Please be safe!
